The main portal screen is a message about the current administrator of the portal, along with the ability to log out of the system, as well as a table for managing a secure network.
To exit the portal, the portal administrator must click on the “Sign Out” link.
The secure network management table allows you to manage several aspects of the system, namely:
Allows you to monitor the status of current sessions of network users. In this section you can see the following session data:
- Common Name – Username
- Real address – The real IP address of the user
- Virtual address – The user’s virtual IP address
- IPv6 address – The virtual IPv6 address of the user (if the function is activated on the server)
- Bytes Received – The number of bytes received by the user
- Bytes Sent – The number of bytes sent by the user
- Connected Since – Connection time of the user to the network
- Connected Since Time_t – Time to connect to a network in timestamp format
- UserName – Additional user name
- ClientID – User ID
- PeerID – Connection ID
Allows users to monitor the protected network, edit their status, add and remove existing users, and filter users by their status.
The table provides the following user data and controls:
- Common Name – Username
- ID – User ID
- Status – Current user status:
- R – Revoked (persistently deleted)
- D – Disabled (temporarily inactive)
- V – Verified (active)
- Download Config – After the user is created, the command allows you to download its configuration, to create an authorization flash drive.
- Download Certificate – After the user is created, the command allows you to download his certificate to create an authorization flash drive.
- Close Connection – Close the current session of the user, if there is one, after the execution of this function, the administrator will receive one of the possible messages: “Connection was closed” if the session was active or “This user is not connected” if the user was not connected to the network
- Disable Certificate – temporarily suspend the user certificate. This action requires confirmation in the popup window, and in case of confirmation, it will automatically try to close the session of this user. If the certificate is already paused, then the Disable button changes to Enable to activate the user certificate, and this action also needs to be verified.
- Revoke Certificate – FORWARD to deactivate the user certificate, after which this user will never be able to connect to the system. This action needs to be verified.
There are two checkboxes for filtering that are active by default:
- Show Revoked Certificates – displays verified users. A verified user means an active key that is not an equally active user.
- Show Disabled Certificates – Displays active users. An active user means a network user who may currently have access to the network.
Allows you to create a new user certificate.
This form has two elements:
- Username (must be unique and can not match even with Revoke certificates)
- Create – A control button to create a new user.
Allows the user to view user activity over a certain period of time, view even unsuccessful requests for connection to a secure network, etc. This table has the following fields:
- Date is the date and time of action
- Ip – the real and virtual user address
- Action is an action that has been taken